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Why Rituals

Why Rituals

Why Rituals

Why Rituals

We all experience feeling anxious or disconnected at some point in our life. I experienced those feelings when the COVID-19 pandemic hit—working as a nurse was stressful. I've experienced it at oth...

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Setting Intentions

Setting Intentions

Whether it's bedtime and you want to set your intentions for the night, or morning, and you want to set the intentions for the day ahead, it's easy to do so. It's also easy to forget to do so. And ...

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Gratefulness II

Gratefulness II

When was the last time you took a moment to appreciate all the things you are grateful for? More importantly, perhaps, when was the last time you took a moment to appreciate all the things you are ...

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When was the last time you took a moment to appreciate everything you are grateful for? More importantly, perhaps, when was the last time you took a moment to appreciate all the things you are than...

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Sometimes it's challenging to come to terms with the actions of others and even ourselves. Daily annoyances add up, and we become irritated—from our spouse's inability to remember to pick his laund...

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Wake Up/Wake-Wake/Awaken

Wake Up/Wake-Wake/Awaken

A new dawn, a new beginning. As morning breaks, turn on the shower to greet the new day. As you step into the hot shower, welcome the drops of water caressing your skin and stretch out your body as...

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Embrace Love

Embrace Love

The last person we compliment is usually ourselves. Sure, we may congratulate ourselves when we get an ego boost by accomplishing some goal, but when did you last stop and simply embraced who you a...

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Calming Vibes

Calming Vibes

This is a simple ritual you can perform whenever you wash your hands and feel you need to take a moment to breathe. It's imperative to remember to do so when you least feel like slowing down. Such ...

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