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Article: Setting Intentions

Setting Intentions

Setting Intentions

Whether it's bedtime and you want to set your intentions for the night, or morning, and you want to set the intentions for the day ahead, it's easy to do so. It's also easy to forget to do so. And when we forget what our intentions are, it's easy to veer off track.

Once we know where we're going, we can course correct if we see we're veering off track. Intentions can also help weed out unnecessary and, often, harmful thoughts. If things aren't going your way, you can get angry and start thinking about how bad things are and get caught up in guilt or shame. Or you can take a moment and remember what your intention is.

When obstacles come along, we can take a moment to breathe, let go of our stress, and remember what our true end result is; our true intention.

Just because the takeaway is arriving late, there's a power cut, and you have run out of candles, it doesn't mean you can't have a romantic evening with your partner. You just have to remember the intention and course correct—how can you turn things around to create romance in this situation? Not by getting frustrated and angry, stomping your feet, and shouting nothing's going your way, that's for sure!

So, when washing your hands in the morning, set some simple and realistic intentions for the day ahead. Maybe your intention is to see the good in those around you. Maybe it is to have walked 5,000 steps by the end of the day. Maybe it is to make three out of four snacks healthy.

Make sure you set realistic goals and intentions for the day. If your boss makes you see red, don't aim for seeing green right off the bat. Start with orange and work your way from there… If your goal is to stay collected (and not snap) when your kids fight with one another, consider not snapping nine times out of ten a win. Every improvement is a win.

Have fun with your intentions—it's not all about hitting big goals. It is about things like smiling more, watching at least ten minutes of comedy a day, being present, showering yourself and others with compliments…the list goes on.

Now, for the actual ritual. Take a deep breath. Feel your feet standing firmly on the ground. As you start washing your hands, take another deep breath and set your intention, then breathe out, letting it enter the ether.

Repeat this for all your intentions—just remember not to set too many. Rather, focus on a maximum of three daily intentions so you can easily keep them in mind throughout the day.

If it's night, take a deep breath and remember the wins and fails of the day. Consider how to approach things differently in the morning to achieve even better results.

Take another deep breath to release the day.

Then, take yet another breath and set the intentions for the night. Perhaps your intention is peaceful sleep, a connection with your sixth sense, remembering something, finding a solution, enjoying beautiful dreams, or waking up rejuvenated and ready to get up and go in the morning.

Suitable Soaps

For this ritual, choose scents that match your intentions or the time of day. For the morning, you might want to try Fresh Start, Happy Winds, Naranjas, Simpatico, or Mistico. For the night, Dulces Sueños.

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