Embrace Love
The last person we compliment is usually ourselves. Sure, we may congratulate ourselves when we get an ego boost by accomplishing some goal, but when did you last stop and simply embraced who you are? Acknowledged your own greatness? Saw the beauty in being your own person? Your uniqueness is what makes you YOU. There's only one of you, no replicas.
As Eckhart Tolle says, "Love is a state of being. Your love is not outside; it is deep within you."
With that in mind, when washing your hands, stop to look yourself in the mirror. Either say out loud two things you love about yourself, or repeat them inside your mind (in case people can overhear and will wonder why you're in the bathroom speaking to yourself…mind you, with the right people, you could probably encourage them to do the same!).
After saying the affirmations, close your eyes and step into a space where you can feel your own love. Bathe in that love for a while.
Then, open your eyes and smile at your image in the mirror. If you feel like it, you could even blow a kiss to yourself or leave a kiss mark on the mirror…granted, it's not a public mirror! Silly? Yes. But doesn't it make you smile? That's the whole point! And when you see the kiss marks, you'll remember why you left them there—the gratitude you have for yourself.
If having a shower, appreciate yourself and your body as you lather yourself up. Think about the things you love about yourself. Instead of singing pop tunes, you can sing about what you love about you, scream it on top of your lungs, whisper it, or simply contemplate it inside your mind.
After thinking about specific things you appreciate about yourself, step into a space of self-love where you simply stand embraced in your own love as the water cascades around you. Feel the warmth and love that is you.
Remember that you don't have to be good at anything to love yourself. This life is yours and yours alone to live—enjoy it and enjoy being you. If life took you on a journey and you got lost, or lost your footing entirely, so what? It happens to the best of us. You have the right to enjoy who you are no matter what's happened. You don't have to be anything or achieve anything. You can enjoy just being you.
Let's celebrate the power of doing nothing but resting—feeling the peace within you.
Suitable Soaps
- Bonita
- Simpatico
- Easy Sunday
- Just Bee