Sometimes it's challenging to come to terms with the actions of others and even ourselves. Daily annoyances add up, and we become irritated—from our spouse's inability to remember to pick his laundry off the floor to our boss' perpetually bad temper in the morning.
Accept where your spouse and boss are at right now. Neither your spouse nor your boss does these things because of you. It's the way they are. That's not to say that they will never change. Nor is it to say you can't tell someone you don't put up with something—you can give both your spouse and your boss an ultimatum if that's the path you decide upon. Constantly being angry about things you can't change isn't going to help, though.
Similarly, you may not enjoy your job right now. Waking up being angry about it and going to bed being angry about it won't help. This is where you're at now. Accept it and then set about changing it.
Stop running your annoyances and irritation on repeat in your head, letting them put you in a bad mood. Simply stop, accept where you're at and decide how to move forward. It's only when we accept where we're at that we can move forward to create a better tomorrow.
As you wash your hands (or indeed your entire body if you feel the need to), say aloud or in your mind: I surrender, I accept what was and what is. What happened or what is currently going on will no longer define me. I am letting go of the heartache it has caused. I let go of the regrets I have about it. I accept where I am at and will move forward powerfully from here.
Let the pain, annoyance, regret, or irritation wash away as the soap washes off your hands (or body) and disappears into the drain.
When you're done washing and drying yourself, take a moment to close your eyes and feel the towel's softness. Right now, right here, you're fine. You're filled with love for yourself and others. No matter what you've faced, or are facing, no matter where you're at in your journey, you will be able to move forward powerfully now. Know that you deserve happiness and love. Give yourself a big hug.
Suitable Soaps
- Mistico
- Serenity
- Dulce Sueños
- A Thousand Mornings